Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cupid Gets Tired

“It’s just like today you were right before my eyes then the next day you were gone.” It is really difficult to have love lost in your own bare hands and you can’t even do anything but stare as it fades away. Love sounds humane but break-ups in the other hand sounds cruel. Either of the two things does not answer the question of every broken hearted person. Whether somebody in a relationship gets fed up or cupid just gets tired, the fact still remains- everything is just damn over. For a fact, love is humane. Well, people can never avoid nor escape from its charms. It’s definitely everywhere willing to spread the joy and contentment it brings. Love is the there all the time and it can never vanish in just a split of a second. It only depends on the two individuals involved if they call it enough to be satisfied. It isn’t surprising to hear break-up stories from some of our social circle. Each one has indeed a story to tell, a tear to let out, and a wound to heal. Some stories are just too shallow that it makes us conclude that it is not even worth crying for but are some are just too reasonable enough that it even shatters our own hearts. So what is surprising then? Undeniably, it is when you wake up in a coldest morning ever finding yourself in the shoes of your friends crying for a person who just went away to leave you. And in a place in no time you will tell yourself how rude break- ups are. In due course you will question everybody for everything. It’s like you begin to chase fairies and at the same time running away from fairytales. To be precise you hate that very person in the tip of your tongue but still you love him in silence. But why does it really end? Yesterday you just saw him fighting for this so called love and today you found him quitting. People just wonder why cupid gets tired. Perhaps it is only that these people who leave chose to be happy and that choice of happiness does not include us who are left behind.

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