Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Why Blog?????

There are many reasons why people blog. Some blog for private and personal purposes while some blog for business purposes. In my case, I blog primarily for self expression. A blog provides a place where you can express your thoughts and ideas to other people publicly or in your own choice, restrictively. Just like any other people, we always have something in mind that we our mouth couldn't express, through blogging, this simple and common problem is solved.

Another reason also for my blogging is to establish connection to my fellows. I have relatives and friends in the other side of the country and in the world. Blogging enables this connection to be possible. Through blogging, even those who are away from me could read my posts and somehow comment to it.

One reason also why I blog is for information dissemination purposes. Blogging enables you to post things and facts and share it to other bloggers. It somehow promotes informative conversation on certain topics and develops our learning.

Lastly, I blog simply for fun. I just like creating blogs and posting it in the internet and enhancing my writing ability. You know, blogging helps us think of creative and unique topics to be posted and make it visible to the public. I believe that it really helps us become happy and satisfied, especially when other people appreciate your blogs.

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