Friday, August 10, 2012

Steps How to Cook Pop Corn

Step 1. Prepare the cooking utensils and the ingredients which includes the following:
(a) Sauce pan
(b) Mixing container
(c) Cooking oil
(d) Cheddar cheese powder
(e) Pop Corn Kernels

Step 2. Preheat the sauce pan in the gas range. wait until the pan becomes hot and ready for the pouring of the cooking oil.

Step 3.  Pour the cooking oil.

Step 4. Proceed into pouring the pop corn kernels in the pan.

Step 5. Cover the pan and shake it for it to mix thoroughly with the oil.

Step 6. Shake the pan as soon as the pop corn kernels starts to pop.

Step 7. When it is no longer popping, turn off the gas range and remove the pan from it.

Step 8. Transfer the cooked pop corn in the mixing container. Pour in the Cheddar cheese powder.

Step 9. Shake the container and mix in well.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Game Over

I woke up for the first time in this year with tears in my dark brown eyes.  The scene was familiar and while I am recalling what happened, I realized that I cried for the same reason I did eleven months ago.  My life was once again over throne by sadness. I can neither blame myself nor him, for these were all my choices. The consequence of the risk I took three months ago. I was relatively desperate to see him again and feel the gentleness of his touch. And now I was left abandoned, dumped by the person I’ve always believed to be my guardian angel. I never learned my lesson though. As I’ve said this was a replay of what had happened exactly 8 months and 20 days ago. Although this was expected, I still left myself unprepared.

I stared at my phone for a minute and it felt like forever. I got no e-mails from you. That seemed to be unsurprising. You never cared about me or how I feel about your farewell. Tears fall voluntarily from my tired eyes. Sometimes, I am curious why my eyes never run out of tears. But that didn’t matter right now for this very moment, all I was thinking about was you. It’s never a question though for I can’t even remember the last time you left my system.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Human Rights

Every human being has a right. These rights provide the people protection and liberty. Human rights are not just for some people but rather for everyone. It is rightful to say that even those who are intellectually incapacitated have rights too.

This image is an art created in Adobe Photoshop. It speaks of human rights and fair treatment to human beings, including those who are intellectually incapacitated. I made this image last semester in accordance to the celebration for promoting the rights of intellectually incapacitated persons. This image shows a face of man cover by different faces, different identity. However, despite his confusing identity, he shows many agony in the back of his mind. He shouts for liberty and equality for people like him because even if he is incapacitated in some ways, he is still a human being.

My slogan speaks of universal human rights. It means human rights is for everyone to feel, no single group of individuals is an exemption for it. All of us have imperfections, but it does not matter because in the eyes of God, we are all equally made and we therefor deserve to live equally. This image is a message to our legislative body, for them to strengthen the rights of our brothers and sisters who are intellectually incapacitated.

Why Blog?????

There are many reasons why people blog. Some blog for private and personal purposes while some blog for business purposes. In my case, I blog primarily for self expression. A blog provides a place where you can express your thoughts and ideas to other people publicly or in your own choice, restrictively. Just like any other people, we always have something in mind that we our mouth couldn't express, through blogging, this simple and common problem is solved.

Another reason also for my blogging is to establish connection to my fellows. I have relatives and friends in the other side of the country and in the world. Blogging enables this connection to be possible. Through blogging, even those who are away from me could read my posts and somehow comment to it.

One reason also why I blog is for information dissemination purposes. Blogging enables you to post things and facts and share it to other bloggers. It somehow promotes informative conversation on certain topics and develops our learning.

Lastly, I blog simply for fun. I just like creating blogs and posting it in the internet and enhancing my writing ability. You know, blogging helps us think of creative and unique topics to be posted and make it visible to the public. I believe that it really helps us become happy and satisfied, especially when other people appreciate your blogs.

Things of My Interest

I am not an outgoing person. I don't like going out. I don't like parties. I prefer staying at home doing some stuff such as drawing, painting, listening to music, writing stories and reading novels. Since my childhood this was my routine. These are some of my interests:

I love listening to music especially songs of Katy Perry. Her songs makes me feel better when I'm sad. Her songs are very meaningful for me.

I love art. Since I was a child i find my happiness in sketching and painting. During my high school, I often join contests in the city and sometimes in the regional level. Art makes me express feeling and emotions.
I love to read especially novels written by Paolo Coelho. Reading makes me discover new things and new thoughts of other people. Reading relieves me from stress and eventually makes me happy.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Proper Internet Etiquette

Internet etiquette is very important for every surfer. It is important to treat others with dignity and respect both on and offline.Internet Etiquette should be used in all areas of electronic means including email, chatting, blogging, forums, message boards, and so on.

There are many sites which provides basic internet etiquette for surfer. Basically, these guidelines have the same idea. The following includes:

1. Use Computer Courtesy - Whether a person is sending an email, chatting in a chat room or speaking in a forum, it is important to be courteous and respectful of others online. Always remember the Golden Rule!

2. Use Emoticons - When communicating online, it can be difficult to gauge a writer's emotion. Unless a web camera or microphone is used, the writer's expression or emotion is difficult to determine. By using emoticons, the writer's proper emotion will be conveyed to the reader.

3. Be Brief Online - It is important to keep messages short, especially when writing an email or typing in a chat room. By using common chat abbreviations or acronyms, not only will the reader appreciate the brevity of the message, it will save the author valuable time typing the message. Remember, keep it short and be brief!

4. DON’T SHOUT - No matter what forum, writing in all capital letters is considered SHOUTING and is considered very rude. A word or two in caps is fine, but shouting is not recommended.

5. Pay Attention to Language Issues - Improper, inappropriate or bad language may get a participant kicked out or permanently banned from a forum or group. It is also important to remember people from other countries may be participating in the conversation and language barriers may be an issue.

6. Think Before Posting - It is important to note, what is posted online today, may come back and haunt the writer tomorrow. That silly or fun photograph posted on a social networking site, may keep that person from getting a job later on. Many colleges and employers are now searching social networking sites prior to hiring.

7. Keep Personal Information Private - Posting private and personal information in the wrong location can have serious consequences. Identity theft is a rapidly growing concern. Divulging too much information could give predators and those with bad intentions valuable information. Be careful where personal information is posted. If private information is posted in a group setting, read the guidelines prior to posting. Children should not post private information online

8. Obey Copyright Laws - Obey copyright laws. Don’t steal!

9. Help Internet Newbies - Be patient and helpful with others. Remember, everyone was a newbie once.

10. Be Aware of Cyberbullying - Cyberbullying or electronic bullying continues to be an increasing problem. Parents should talk honestly and openly to children about the issues of electronic bullying. Studies suggest most children do NOT tell a trusted adult if they are a victim of electronic bullying. If targeted by a cyberbully, do not respond. Keep all ORIGINAL correspondence, with dates and times if possible. If the messages are of a threatening nature or safety is a concern, contact local law enforcement as soon as possible.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Movie Review on My Sister's Keeper


The movie was about a girl who was only born through vitro fertilization to save her older sister from leukemia. The girl was named Ana, she was overly protected by his mother to prevent her from being expose in the external environment and acquire diseases. She was kept healthy to preserve her organs for the sake of her sick older sister. There was that point when her older sister, Kate, got renal failure and Ana was left to donate one of her kidneys to her sister. Ana sued her parents for medical emancipation and the rights to her own body.  An epileptic Attorney agreed to handle Ana's case.

The movie showed some part in the past which portrays how close Ana and Kate were and how much Kate already wanted to rest and die instead of making her family feel miserable. Later on, the movie showed that it was actually Kate who convinced Ana to file the case against their parents. Kate fell in love with a guy who was also sick with cancer. The guy died which was followed by the death of Kate herself. The family moved on and their treatment with each other was greatly changed by the death of Kate.


For me, the movie was an A+. It portrays a unique story and the plot was not common and boring. The story was really great and I cried a lot watching the movie two years ago. It was fascinating because the genre was not a single one, it tells a story of a family, a love affair, a legal case situation, etc. Basically, the movie for me is a complete and amazing one.